We constantly monitor the market to ensure that from us you're getting the best deal, on the best quality products, with the best service and support! Even with fast free shipping, we can keep our prices low because of the large volumes we despatch. Another advantage is that by buying from us, you are buying direct from the source, since we manufacture many of the products ourselves under license for Duracell.
Prices on the site include shipping costs but exclude any sales tax.
To see a breakdown of what your order will cost, click on the 'buy now' button on the product page to add the item to your order. This will take you to Your Order where you can see the details before you choose whether to purchase your order.
We accept payment by most debit/credit cards including cards with these logos.
You can also pay by:
- Orders paid for by Credit/Debit cards are usually shipped the same day.
We will charge your card for each item as it is sent if your order is part-shipped.
We will not debit your Credit/Debit card until your items are ready for shipping. Should there be any problems with your card then our Accounts Department will contact you.
To provide the safest on line shopping possible, we participate in cardholder authentication schemes including
'Verified by Visa' and
'MasterCard SecureCode'.
We also accept official Purchase Orders from Government, Education, Healthcare & other Public Sectors